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Les timbres amphoriques de I'Apulie republicaine Documents pour une histoire economique et sociale - BAR International Series 554

Archeologia - Desy Philippe

1989 € 29.00
Gardens of Italy and the Western Provinces of the Roman Empire Empire From the 4th century BC to the 4th century AD - BAR International Series 650

Archeologia - Linda Farrar

1996 € 69.00
Villas, Farms and the Late Roman Rural Economy (third to fifth centuries AD) - BAR International Series 568

Archeologia - Lewit Tamara

2004 € 44.00
The Urban Economy during the Early Dominate Pottery evidence from the Palatine Hill - BAR International Series 784

Archeologia - Pena J. Theodore

1999 € 83.00
Reading Space: Social Interaction and Identity in the Houses of Roman Pompeii A syntactical approach to the analysis and interpretation of built space - BAR International Series 886

Archeologia - Grahame Mark

2000 € 50.00
Tipologia sepolcrale delle catacombe romane I cimiteri ipogei delle vie Ostiense, Ardeatina e Appia - BAR International Series 905

Archeologia - Nuzzo Donatella

2000 € 85.00
Domus Tiberiana Analyses stratigraphiques et ceramologiques - BAR International Series 1058

Archeologia - Krause Marie-France Meylan

2002 € 67.00
The Poseidonian Chora Archaic Greeks in the Italic hinterland - BAR International Series 1094

Archeologia - Mikels Skele

2002 € 43.00
Fortificazioni tardo classiche e ellenistiche in Magna Grecia I casi esemplari nell'Italia del Sud - BAR International Series 1341

Archeologia - Sconfienza Roberto

2005 € 56.00
Etudes sur la ceramique romaine tardive d'Afrique - BAR International Series 1301

Archeologia - Bonifay Michel

2004 € 80.00
I mitrei della Britannia romana nelle testimonianze architettoniche, scultoree ed epigrafiche - BAR International Series 1253

Archeologia - Rossi Barbara

2004 € 67.00
Spoleto Romana Topografia e Urbanistica by Alessia Morigi - BAR International Series 1146

Archeologia - Morigi Alesssia

2003 € 60.00
Rome and the Social Role of Elite Villas in its Suburbs - BAR International Series 1760

Archeologia - Adams Geoff W.

2008 € 44.00
Cirenaica: studi, scavi e scoperte. Parte I: nuovi dati da città e territorio - BAR International Series 1488

Archeologia - Fabbricotti Emanuela, Menozzi Oliva (a cura di)

2006 € 126.00
Il territorio calatino nella Sicilia imperiale e tardoromana - BAR International Series 1694

Archeologia - Bonacini Elisa

2007 € 55.00
Ex Figlinis: The Network Dynamics of the Tiber Valley Brick Industry in the Hinterland of Rome - BAR International Series 1486

Archeologia - Graham Shawn

2006 € 55.00
Fondi ed il suo territorio in età romana Profilo di storia economica e sociale - BAR International Series 1481

Archeologia - Di Fazio Massimiliano

2006 € 38.00
LRCW 1. Late Roman Coarse Wares, Cooking Wares and Amphorae in the Mediterranean: Archaeology and Archaeometry - BAR International Series 1340

Archeologia - Gurt i Esparraguera J.M., Buxeda i Garrigos J., Cau Ontiveros M.A.

2005 € 198.00
Late Roman African Cookware of the Palatine East Excavations, Rome A holistic approach - BAR International Series 1143

Archeologia - Ikaheimo Janne P.

2003 € 56.00
Itinerari del sacro nelle forme del bere Articolazioni morfologiche e funzionali della ceramica greca ad uso potorio in ambito rituale - BAR International Series 1961

Archeologia - Batino Sabrina

2009 € 74.00
LRCW 2. Late Roman Coarse Wares, Cooking Wares and Amphorae in the Mediterranean Archaeology and archaeometry (voll. I-II) - BAR International Series 1662

Archeologia - Bonifay M., Treglia J.-Ch.

2007 € 228.00
Pompeii, Latrines and Down Pipes, A General Discussion and Photographic Record of Toilet Facilities in Pompeii - BAR International Series 2041

Archeologia - Hobson Barry

2009 € 173.00
Late Roman Glazed Pottery in Carlino and in Central-East Europe, Production, Function and Distribution (Proceedings of the Second International Meeting of Archaeology in Carlino, March 2009) - BAR International Series 2068

Archeologia - Magrini Chiara, Sbarra Francesca

2010 € 68.00
Navigare necesse est: Lighthouses from Antiquity to the Middle Ages History, architecture, iconography and archaeological remains - BAR International Series 2096

Archeologia - Baldassarre Giardina

2010 € 110.00
Inanissima pars Italiae Dinamiche insediative nella penisola salentina in età romana - BAR International Series 2161

Archeologia - De Mitri Carlo

978 1 4073 0705 3
2010 € 48.00
La Necropoli di Campovalano Tombe orientalizzanti e arcaiche, II + CD - BAR International Series 2174

Archeologia - Chiaramonte Treré Cristina, d’Ercole Vincenzo, Scotti Cecilia

2010 € 98.00
LRCW3 Late Roman Coarse Wares, Cooking Wares and Amphorae in the Mediterranean. Archaeology and Archaeometry. Comparison between Western and Eastern Mediterranean - BAR International Series 2185 (I-II)

Archeologia - Menchelli Simonetta, Santoro Sara, Pasquinucci Marinella, Guiducci Gabriella

2010 € 282.00
Sites and Pots: Settlement and Economy in Southern Tuscany (AD 300-900) - BAR International Series 2191

Archeologia - Vaccaro Emanuele

978 1 4073 0746 6
2011 € 143.00
Archaeological Ceramics: A Review of Current Research - BAR International Series 2193

Archeologia - Scarcella Simona

978 1 4073 0748 0
2011 € 54.00
History of the Study of South Italian Black- and Red-Figure Pottery - BAR International Series 2226

Archeologia - Ronald Higginson

978 1 4073 0784 8
2011 € 52.00
Bread for the people: The Archaeology of Mills and Milling Proceedings of a colloquium held in the British School at Rome 4th - 7th November 2009 - University of Southampton Series in Archaeology 3 - BAR International Series 2274

Archeologia - Williams D., Peacock D.

2011 € 74.00
Late Republican-Early Imperial Regional Italian Landscapes and Demography - BAR International Series 2330

Archeologia - de Graaf Peter

2012 € 43.00
Black-Gloss Ware in Italy Production management and local histories - BAR International Series 2335

Archeologia - Di Giuseppe Helga

2012 € 52.00
Il Molise in età tardo-antica Città e campagne tra il III e il VI secolo d.C. - BAR International Series 2337

Archeologia - Finocchietti Luigi

2012 € 53.00
Templi capitolini nella Regio I (Latium et Campania) - BAR International Series 2343

Archeologia - Morciano Maria Milvia

2012 € 37.00
Produzione e commercio dei tessuti nell'Occidente romano - BAR International Series 916

Archeologia - Vicari Fabio

2001 € 58.00
Building a Victorian Country Church An historical archaeology of St. Mary the Virgin, Stratfield Mortimer, Berkshire - BAR British Series 457

Archeologia - Allen J.R.L.

2008 € 47.00
The Management of Estates and their Resources in the Egyptian Old Kingdom - BAR International Series 2392

Archeologia - Swinton Joyce

2012 € 90.00
Archaeology of Mother Earth Sites and Sanctuaries through the Ages Rethinking symbols and images, art and artefacts from history and prehistory - BAR International Series 2389

Archeologia - G. Terence Meaden (ed.)

2012 € 64.00
Limina/Limites: Archaeologies, histories, islands and borders in the Mediterranean (365-1556) 1La Transgiordania nei secoli XII-XIII e le "frontiere" del Mediterraneo medievale - BAR International Series 2386

Archeologia - Vannini Guido, Nucciotti Michele

2012 € 96.00
Usque ad flumen Danuvium Testimonianze di artigianato artistico sul Danubio nella media e tarda età imperiale - BAR International Series 2375

Archeologia - Moratello Cinzia

2012 € 77.00
Social, Economic and Symbolic Perspectives at the Dawn of Metal Production - BAR International Series 2372

Archeologia - Conati Barbaro Cecilia, Lemorini Cristina

2012 € 33.00
Cruelty and Sentimentality: Greek Attitudes to Animals, 600-300 BC - BAR International Series 2225

Archeologia - Calder Louise

978 1 4073 0783 1
2011 € 64.00
Instrumental de hierro de epoca romana y de la Antiguedad Tardia en el N.E. de la Peninsula Iberica - BAR International Series 2217

Archeologia - Casas Josep, Nolla Josep M.

2011 € 56.00
Ship Iconography in Mosaics An aid to understanding ancient ships and their construction - BAR International Series 2202

Archeologia - Friedman Zaraza

2011 € 80.00
Aspects of the Cult of Cybele and Attis on the Monuments from the Republic of Croatia - BAR International Series 2086

Archeologia - Nikoloska Aleksandra

2010 € 44.00
L'età del Ferro a Capua Aspetti distintivi del contesto culturale e suo inquadramento nelle dinamiche di sviluppo dell'Italia protostorica - BAR International Series 2265

Archeologia - Melandri Gianluca

2011 € 187.00
L'acqua, il fuoco e i luoghi del sacro in cavità. Atti II congresso Nazionale di archeologia del sottosuolo (Orte 6-9 aprile 2007) - BAR International Series 2067

Archeologia - Basilico R., Bianchi S., Breda M.A., Ninni C., Padovan D., Padovan G., Verdiani A. (a cura di)

2010 € 106.00
Roman Amphitheatres and Spectacula: a 21st-Century perspective Papers from an international conference held at Chester, 16th-18th February, 2007 - BAR International Series 1946

Archeologia - Wilmott Tony (ed.)

2009 € 67.00
Genus Ionicum. Forme, storia e modelli del capitello ionico-italico - BAR International Series 1579

Archeologia - Batino Sabrina

2006 € 79.00
Catalogo delle lucerne di Tolemaide (Cirenaica) - BAR International Series 962

Archeologia - Fabbricotti Emanuela

2001 € 56.00
Conservation Approaches to Earthen Architecture in Archaeological Contexts - BAR International Series 2147

Archeologia - Cooke Louise

978 1 4073 0688 9
2010 € 88.00
The Romano-African Domus: Studies in Space, Decoration, and Function - BAR International Series 1731

Archeologia - Carucci Margherita

2007 € 103.00
Archeologia del sottosuolo: metodologie a confronto. Atti del I Congresso Nazionale di archeologia del sottosuolo (Bolsena 8-11 dicembre 2005), (Vol. 1-2) - BAR International Series 1611

Archeologia - Basilico R., Bavagnoli L., Del Lungo S., Padovan G., Wilke K.P. (a cura di)

2007 € 139.00
Les pavements d'opus signinum Technique, decor, fonction architecturale - BAR International Series 1472

Archeologia - Véronique Vassal

2006 € 57.00
Approaches to Healing in Roman Egypt - BAR International Series 2416

Archeologia - Draycott Jane

2012 € 37.00
Cranes trophees, cranes d'ancetres et autres pratiques autour de la tete : problèmes d'interpretation en archeologie Actes de la table ronde pluridisciplinaire, Musee National de Prehistoire, Les Eyzies-de-Tayac (Dordogne, France), 14-16 octobre 2010 - BAR International Series 2415

Archeologia - Boulestin Bruno, Gambier Dominique Henry

2012 € 44.00
Chronologie detaillee et revisee des eponymes amphoriques rhodiens, de 270 à 108 av. J.-C. environ (Detailed and Revised Chronology of the Eponyms Dating Rhodian Amphora Stamps, from circa 270 to 180 BC) - BAR International Series 990


2001 € 59.00
Archaeology (The) of Water Supply - BAR International Series 2414

Archeologia - Zuchowska Marta

2012 € 37.00
Il tesoro di Desana. Una fonte per lo studio della società romano-ostrogota in Italia with a Preface by Dieter Quast, with Appendices by Birgit Arrhenius, Paola Comba e Marco Aimone - BAR International Series 2127

Archeologia - Aimone Marco (a cura di)

2010 € 89.00
Ambiente, sussistenza e articolazione sociale nell'Italia centrale tra Bronzo medio e Primo Ferro - BAR International Series 2394

Archeologia - Minniti Claudia

2012 € 55.00
Ventidue secoli a Parma Lo scavo sotto la sede centrale della Cassa di Risparmio in piazza Garibaldi - BAR International Series 2406

Archeologia - Marini Calvani M. (a cura di), Con la collaborazione di A.R. Marchi

2012 € 65.00
I processi formativi ed evolutivi della città in area adriatica - BAR International Series 2419

Archeologia - de Marinis G., Fabrini G.M., Paci G., Perna R., Silvestrini M. (a cura di)

2012 € 173.00
Paesaggi etruschi in terra di Siena Siena. L'agro tra Volterra e Chiusi dell'età del Ferro all'età romana - BAR International Series 2422

Archeologia - Valeria Acconcia

2012 € 142.00
Lampes antiques de Mediterranee La collection Rivel - BAR International Series 2428

Archeologia - Jean Bussière and Jean-Claude Rivel

2012 € 76.00
Inter duos Fluvios l popolamento del Piceno tra Tenna e Tronto dal V al I sec. a.C. - BAR International Series 2435

Archeologia - Ciucarelli Maria Raffaella

€ 45.00
Excavations at Francavilla Marittima 1991-2004. Matt-Painted Pottery from the Timpone della Motta. Volume 1: The Undulating Bands Styl - BAR International Series 2423

Archeologia - Kleibrink M., Barresi L. and Fasanella Masci M.

2012 € 61.00
La cura riparum et alvei Tiberis Storiografia, prosopografia e fonti epigrafiche - BAR International Series 2464

Archeologia - Lonardi Anna

2012 € 51.00
Contesti ceramici dai Fori Imperiali - BAR International Series 2455

Archeologia - Ceci Monica (a cura di)

2012 € 46.00
Indagine topografica sulle aree di pertinenza dell'abbazia di San Salvatore al monte Amiata nella Tuscia meridionale: secoli VI - XIV L'apporto della fotointerpretazione e dei documenti d'archivio alla ricerca archeologica - BAR International Series 2465

Archeologia - Caprasecca Anna

2013 € 42.00
Ethnoarchaeology: Current Research and Field Methods Conference Proceedings, Rome, Italy, 13th-14th May 2010 - BAR International Series 2472

Archeologia - Lugli Francesca, Alessandra Assunta, Stoppiello Stefano Biagetti

2013 € 65.00
Seth - A Misrepresented God in the Ancient Egyptian Pantheon? - BAR International Series 2473

Archeologia - Turner Philip John

2013 € 35.00
From Funeral Monuments to Household Pottery Current advances in Funnel Beaker Culture (TRB/TBK) research: Proceedings of the Borger Meetings 2009, The Netherlands - BAR International Series 2474

Archeologia - Bakker J.A., Bloo S.B.C., Dütting M.K. (eds)

2013 € 48.00
Ceramic Petrography: The Interpretation of Archaeological Pottery & Related Artefacts in Thin Section - BAR International Series 80

Archeologia - Quinn Patrick Sean

2013 € 42.00
The Ancient Mediterranean Trade in Ceramic Building Materials: A Case Study in Carthage and Beirut - BAR International Series 81

Archeologia - Mills Philip

2013 € 42.00
Sulle spalle dei saccarii Le rappresentazioni di facchini e il trasporto di derrate nel porto di Ostia in epoca imperiale - BAR International Series 2467

Archeologia - Martelli Elena

2013 € 59.00
Dediche di Occidentali nel santuario di Apollo a Delfi (VI-IV a.C.) - BAR International Series 2479

Archeologia - Cavaliere Maria Emilia

2013 € 37.00
LRFW 1. Late Roman Fine Wares. Solving problems of typology and chronology. A review of the evidence, debate and new contexts

Archeologia - Miguel Ángel Cau, Paul Reynolds and Michel Bonifay

2012 € 42.00
The Pagan Image of Greco-Roman Palestine and Surrounding Lands - BAR International Series 2495

Archeologia - Pau Figueras

2013 € 55.00
CAA 2010 Fusion of Cultures. Proceedings of the 38th Annual Conference on Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology, Granada, Spain, April 2010 - BAR International Series 2494

Archeologia - F. Contreras, M. Farjas and F.J. Melero

2013 € 66.00
The Theodosian Age (A.D. 379-455) Power, place, belief and learning at the end of the Western Empire - BAR International Series 2493

Archeologia - Rosa García-Gasco, Sergio González and David Hernández de la Fuente

2013 € 67.00
Zeus in Early Greek Mythology and Religion From prehistoric times to the Early Archaic period - BAR International Series 2492

Archeologia - Olga A. Zolotnikova

2013 € 43.00
Merry and Jovial: Reconsidering the Effigies Immortalis and the Commemoration of Roman Boys - BAR International Series 2489

Archeologia - Corrado Crispin

2013 € 30.00
Networks in the Hellenistic World - BAR International Series 2539

Archeologia - Nina Fenn and Christiane Römer-Strehl (eds.)

2013 € 74.00
Archives et bibliothèques dans le monde grec Edifices et organisation. Ve siècle avant notre ère - IIe siècle de notre ère - BAR International Series 2536

Archeologia - Coqueugniot Gaëlle

2013 € 44.00
La musealizacion del patrimonio arqueologico in situ El caso espanol en el contexto europeo by Victor Manuel Lopez-Menchero Bendicho - BAR International Series 2535

Archeologia -

2013 € 62.00
Mobility, Transition and Change in Prehistory and Classical Antiquity Proceedings of the Graduate Archaeology Organisation Conference on the Fourth and Fifth of April 2008 at Hertford College, Oxford - BAR International Series 2534

Archeologia - Preston Paul R. with Schörle K.(eds)

2013 € 44.00
The Archaeology of Gender, Love and Sexuality in Pompeii - BAR International Series 2533

Archeologia - Conde Feitosa Lourdes

2013 € 30.00
L'insediamento medievale nelle Colline Metallifere (Toscana, Italia) Il sito minerario di Rocchette Pannocchieschi dall'VIII al XIV secolo - BAR International Series 2532

Archeologia - Grassi Francesca

2013 € 52.00
Grumento e il suo territorio nell'antichità - BAR International Series 2531

Archeologia - Mastrocinque Attilio

2013 € 86.00
Il ginnasio greco Genesi, topografia e culti dei luoghi della paideia - BAR International Series 2527

Archeologia - Trombetti Catia

2013 € 61.00
Landscapes of Gender, Age and Cosmology Burial perceptions in Viking Age Iceland - BAR International Series 2529

Archeologia - Conde Feitosa Lourdes

2013 € 42.00
Pylai Aidao: Un percorso iconografico e letterario sulla diffusione del tema delle Porte dell'Ade da Oriente a Occidente - BAR International Series 2524

Archeologia - Tasso Annalisa

2013 € 35.00
Unconformist Archaeology Papers in honour of Paolo Biagi - BAR International Series 2528

Archeologia - Starnini Elisabetta

2013 € 46.00
Cambridge Monographs in African Archaeology 84 The Archaeology of the West Coast of South Africa - BAR International Series 2526

Archeologia - Jerardino Antonieta, Malan Antonia and Braun David

2013 € 46.00
Das aegyptische Investiturritual - BAR International Series 2562

Archeologia - Martin Bommas

2013 € 59.00
Le bourg abbatial de Villemagne-l'Argentiere (Heverault) Dynamique economique et commande monumentale XIe-XIVe siecles - BAR International Seri&grave 2561

Archeologia - Florence Journot

2013 € 56.00
Ahlat 2008 Seconda campagna di indagini sulle strutture rupestri / Second campaign of surveys on the underground structures - BAR International Series 2560

Archeologia - Roberto Bixio, Andrea De Pascale, Nak?? Karama?aral? (eds)

2013 € 43.00
El Calcolitico en la Cuenca Media del Arlanzon (Burgos, Espana) Comunidades campesinas, procesos historicos y transformaciones - BAR International Series 2559

Archeologia - Eduardo Carmona Ballestero

2013 € 70.00
Stable Places and Changing Perceptions: Cave Archaeology in Greece - BAR International Series 2558

Archeologia - Fanis Mavridis and Jesper Tae Jensen

2013 € 73.00
Pottery and Social Dynamics in the Mediterranean and Beyond in Medieval and Post-Medieval Times - BAR International Series 2557

Archeologia - J. Bintliff and M. Caroscio

2013 € 43.00
Loros and Sakkos Studies in Byzantine imperial garment and ecclesiastical vestment - BAR International Series 2556

Archeologia - Elisabeth Piltz

2013 € 37.00
2013 SOMA 2010 Proceedings of 14th Symposium on Mediterranean Archaeology, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kiev, Ukraine, 23-25 April 2010 - BAR International Series 2555

Archeologia - Yana Morozova and Hakan Oniz

2013 € 47.00
Excavations at Tel Zahara (2006-2009): Final Report The Hellenistic and Roman Strata - BAR International Series 2554

Archeologia - Susan L. Cohen

2013 € 59.00
Excavations at Francavilla Marittima 1991-2004, I, Matt-Painted Pottery from the Timpone della Motta Volume 2, The Cross-Hatched Bands Style - BAR International Series 2553

Archeologia - Marianne Kleibrink, Marianna Fasanella Masci, Lucilla Barresi

2013 € 59.00
Models of Mesopotamian Landscapes How small-scale processes contributed to the growth of early civilizations - BAR International Series 2552

Archeologia - T.J. Wilkinson, McGuire Gibson and Magnus Widell

2013 € 60.00
Coins and Samian Ware A study of the dating of coin-loss and the deposition of samian ware (terra sigillata), with a discussion of the decline of samian ware manufacture in the NW provinces of the Roman Empire, late 2nd to mid 3rd centuries - BAR International Series 2573

Archeologia - Anthony C. King

2013 € 66.00
Die Privatgraeber von Amarna - Zum Wandel des Grabgedankens in Zeiten eines religioesen Umbruchs - BAR International Series 2572

Archeologia - Marion Hesse

2013 € 44.00
Early Burial Customs in Northern Egypt Evidence from the Pre-, Proto-, and Early Dynastic Periods - BAR International Series 2571

Archeologia -

2013 € 35.00
Anciens peuplements littoraux et relations Homme/Milieu sur les cotes de l'Europe Atlantique / Ancient Maritime Communities and the Relationship between People and Environment along the European Atlantic Coasts - BAR International Series 2570

Archeologia - Marie-Yvane Daire, Catherine Dupont, Anna Baudry, Cyrille Billard, Jean-Marc Large, Laurent Lespez, Eric Normand and Chris Scarre

2013 € 119.00
Cambridge Monographs in African Archaeology 85 The Ancient Red Sea Port of Adulis and the Eritrean Coastal Region Previous investigations and museum collections by Chiara Zazzaro. - BAR International Series 2569

Archeologia - Chiara Zazzaro

2013 € 47.00
Anuradhapura Volume III: The Hinterland - BAR International Series 25687

Archeologia - Robin Coningham and Prishanta Gunawardhana

2013 € 116.00
The Making of the Tuoba Northern Wei Constructing material cultural expressions in the Northern Wei Pingcheng Period (398-494 CE) - BAR International Series 2567

Archeologia - Chin-Yin Tseng

2013 € 39.00
La aparicion de la tecnologia ceramica en la region cantabrica - BAR International Series 2566

Archeologia - Miriam Cubas

2013 € 37.00
Latium Vetus in the Bronze Age and Early Iron Age / Il Latium Vetus nell'età del Bronzo e nella prima età del Ferro - BAR International Series 2565

Archeologia - Luca Alessandri

2013 € 150.00
El IV milenio ANE en el Guadalquivir Medio Intensificadion agricola y fragua de la comunidad domestica aldeana - BAR International Series 2563

Archeologia - Rafael Ma Martinez Sanchez

2013 € 79.00
Pottery and Social Dynamics in the Mediterranean and Beyond in Medieval and Post-Medieval Times - BAR International Series 2557

Archeologia - J. Bintliff, M. Caroscio (eds)

2013 € 43.00
Loros and Sakkos Studies in Byzantine imperial garment and ecclesiastical vestment - BAR International Series 2556

Archeologia - Elisabeth Piltz

2013 € 37.00
Warfare and Society in the Ancient Eastern Mediterranean Papers arising from a colloquium held at the University of Liverpool, 13th June 2008 - BAR International Series 2583

Archeologia - Stephen O'Brien and Daniel Boatright (eds)

2013 € 35.00
SOMA 2012 Identity and Connectivity: Proceedings of the 16th Symposium on Mediterranean Archaeology, Florence, Italy, 1–3 March 2012 - BAR International Series 2581

Archeologia - Luca Bombardieri, Anacleto D’Agostino, Guido Guarducci, Valentina Orsi and Stefano Valentini (eds)

2013 € 206.00
Karystian Cipollino Marble Its export from Euboea and distribution - BAR International Series 2578

Archeologia - Jeanne Sutherland

2013 € 62.00
Los huesos humanos en el contexto arqueologico Consideraciones metodologicas sobre su excavacion y registro desde las caracteristicas de depositos del S.O. de la Peninsula Iberica - BAR International Series 2577

Archeologia - Juan Manuel Guijo Mauri

2013 € 65.00
The Prehistory of Kharagpur Hills, South Bihar (India) - BAR International Series 2575

Archeologia - Manoj Kumar Singh

2013 € 40.00
Nomadas en la encrucijada Sociedad, ideologia y poder en los margenes aridos del Levante meridional durante el primer milenio a.C. - BAR International Series 2574

Archeologia - Juan Manuel Tebes

2013 € 49.00
Material Images of Humans from the Natufian to Pottery Neolithic Periods in the Levant - BAR International Series 2595

Archeologia - Estelle Orrelle

2014 € 62.00
The Scale and Nature of the Late Bronze Age Economies of Egypt and Cyprus - BAR International Series 2594

Archeologia - Keith Padgham

2014 € 48.00
Embodying Value? The Transformation of Objects in and from the Ancient World - BAR International Series 2592

Archeologia - Annabel Bokern and Clare Rowan (eds.)

2014 € 42.00
Archaeological Studies on Late Antiquity and Early Medieval Europe (AD 400-1000) 4 In concavis petrarum habitaverunt El fenomeno rupestre en el Mediterraneo Medieval: De la investigacion a la puesta en valor - BAR International Series 2591

Archeologia - Jorge Lopez Quiroga and Artemio Manuel Martinez Tejera (eds)

2014 € 74.00
Paris Monographs in American Archaeology 34 Costume et insignes d'un gouvernant maya K'inich Janaab' Pakal de Palenque - BAR International Series 2590

Archeologia - Laura Filloy Nadal

2014 € 71.00
Millets, Rice and Farmers Phytoliths as indicators of agricultural, social and ecological change in Neolithic and Bronze Age Central China - BAR International Series 2589

Archeologia - Alison Ruth Weisskopf

2014 € 46.00
A Sense of the Past Studies in current archaeological applications of remote sensing and non-invasive prospection methods - BAR International Series 2588

Arte - by Hans Kamermans, Martin Gojda and Axel G. Posluschny (eds.)

2014 € 66.00
Riparia, un patrimoine culturel La gestion integree des bords de l'eau. Proceedings of the Sudbury Workshop, April 12-14, 2012 / Actes de l'atelier Savoirs et pratiques de gestion integree des bords de l'eau - Riparia, Sudbury, 12-14 avril 2012 - BAR International Series 2587

Arte - Ella Hermon and Anne Watelet (eds)

2014 € 66.00
Paleolithic Landscapes of Iran - BAR International Series 2586

Archeologia - Saman Heydari-Guran

2014 € 62.00
Egipto y el Egeo a comienzos de la XVIII Dinastia Una vision de sus relaciones, antecedentes e influencia iconografica - BAR International Series 2585

Archeologia - Inmaculada Vivas Sainz

2014 € 58.00
Archaeolingua Central European Series 7 The Early Neolithic in the Danube-Tisza Interfluve

Archeologia - Eszter Banffy

2014 € 61.00
BAR S2605 2014: Otium cum dignitate Festschrift fur Angelika Geyer zum 65. Geburtstag. Studien zur Archaeologie und Rezeptionsgeschichte der klassischen Antike - BAR International Series 2605

Archeologia - Dennis Graen, Mareike Rind and Henning Wabersich (edd.)

2014 € 66.00
Early Medieval Dwellings and Settlements in Ireland, AD 400-1100 - BAR International Series 2604

Archeologia - Aidan O'Sullivan, Finbar McCormick, Thomas R. Kerr, Lorcan Harney and Jonathan Kinsella

2014 € 99.00
Ritual Scenes on the Two Coffins of PA-dj-imn in Cairo Museum - BAR International Series 2603

Archeologia - Eltayeb Sayed Abbas

2014 € 38.00
Turquoise in the Ancient Egyptian Civilization: an archaeological, textual, and religious study - BAR International Series 2602

Archeologia - Ahmed Mohamed Ali Mansour

2014 € 39.00
British Foundation for the Study of Arabia Monographs (formerly Society for Arabian Studies Monographs) 15 The Khashabian: a Late Paleolithic Industry from Dhofar, southern Oman - BAR International Series 2601

Archeologia - Yamandu Hieronymus Hilbert

2014 € 51.00
Die Stadtgeschichte des roemischen Salzburg Befunde und Funde bis 1987 - BAR International Series 2600

Archeologia - Gunther E. Thury

2014 € 70.00
Lateglacial and Postglacial Pioneers in Northern Europe - BAR International Series 2599

Archeologia - Miikka Tallaavaara, Felix Riede (edd.)

2014 € 51.00
Recording and Modelling in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage Theory and best practices - BAR International Series 2598

Archeologia - Fabio Remondino and Stefano Campana (edd.)

2014 € 45.00
The Economic Organization of Early Camelid Pastoralism in the Andean Highlands of Bolivia - BAR International Series 2597

Archeologia - Jose M. Capriles

2014 € 48.00
Arqueometalurgia de un naufragio del siglo XVIII: la corbeta de guerra HMS Swift (1770), Puerto Deseado, provincia de Santa Cruz (Patagonia) - BAR International Series 2596

Archeologia - Nicolas C. Ciarlo

2014 € 52.00
Kult bei der Arena Nemesis-Heiligtumer im Kontext roemischer Amphitheater - BAR International Series 2615

Archeologia - Tim Wittenberg

2014 € 37.00
Coastal Hinterlands Site patterns, microregions and coast-inland interconnections by the Corinthian Gulf, c. 600-300 BC - BAR International Series 2614

Archeologia - Anton Bonnier

2014 € 70.00
The Obsidian Evidence for the Scale of Social Life during the Palaeolithic - BAR International Series 2613

Archeologia - Theodora Moutsiou

2014 € 46.00
Nokalakevi Tsikhegoji Archaeopolis Archaeological excavations 2001-2010: Anglo-Georgian Expedition to Nokalakevi - BAR International Series 2612

Archeologia - Paul Everill (eds)

2014 € 47.00
Fresh Approaches to the Brick Production and Use in the Middle Ages Proceedings of the session 'Utilization of Brick in the medieval period - Production, Construction, Destruction' Held at the European Association of Archaeologists (EAA) Meeting 29 August - 1 September 2012 in Helsinki, Finland - BAR International Series 2611

Archeologia - Tanja Ratilainen, Rivo Bernotas and Christofer Herrmann (eds)

2014 € 34.00