Johann Rasmus Brandt
Magistro Dilecto
Acta ad Archaeologiam et Artivm Historiam Pertinentia - Volvmen XXXVI (n.s. 23)
- Anno: 2023
- Autore/i: Kristin B. Aavitsland - Adam Lindhagen Marina Prusac-Lindhagen - Sissel Undheim (eds.)
- Catalogo: Scienze e Lettere
- Argomento: Archeologia
- Collana: Acta ad archaeologiam et artium historiam pertinentia
- ISBN: 978-88-6687-282-5
- ISSN: 0065-0900

Kristin B. Aavitsland - Adam Lindhagen - Marina Prusac-Lindhagen
and Sissel Undheim – Preface
Sven Ahrens – Tombs, views and the hometown in Hierapolis of Phrygia
Mette Berg Heuch – Ecphrasis in Greek tragedy
Kirsti Gulowsen - Olaf Steen – A caricature seal, a papal portrait and a bronze bust of Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson. Three key works by Hans Stoltenberg Lerche
in Bjørnson’s home at Aulestad
Lasse Hodne – Winkelmann and Wilde on Antinoan beauty
Bente Kiilerich – Pleasing horror: Empathic response to suffering and pain
in Antique sculpture
Adam Lindhagen – The Liceo of Hadrian’s Villa – an important key to
the understanding of its water supply
Erik Østby – Ancient Selinus: A buried temple, myths and metopes,
and a happy return
Lorenzo Quilici – Due ponti romani d’Abruzzo in due vecchie cartoline
Vibeke Roggen – The burial of Menippus: Hidden meanings in the paratexts
to Thomas More’s Utopia in Spanish, Córdoba 1637
Jörg Rüpke – Reading early Christian texts as contributions to urban resilience
Irene Selsvold – The already-dead and the Christianisation
of Western Asia Minor
Stian Sundell Torjussen – Journeys to the Underworld. A comparative analysis of Etruscan tomb paintings and the “Orphic” gold tablets of Southern Italy
in the fourth century BC
Helene Whittaker – The temple of Ares in the Agora in its Athenian context
F.to 19x26,5, pp. 244, Brossura Filo refe, Ill. a colori