City, Hinterland and Environment: Urban Resilience during the First Millennium Transition - Acta ad Archaeologiam et Artivm Historiam Pertinentia - Volvmen XXXIV (n.s. 20)
- Anno: 2023
- Autore/i: Simon Malmberg – Eivind Heldaas Seland – Christopher Prescott (eds.)
- Catalogo: Scienze e Lettere
- Argomento: Archeologia
- Collana: Acta ad archaeologiam et artium historiam pertinentia
- ISBN: 978-88-6687-262-7
- ISSN: 0065-0900

Simon Malmberg - Eivind Heldaas Seland – Introduction
Regions of Resilience
Greg Woolf – Locating Resilience in Ancient Urban Networks
John Bintliff – Changes in Town and Country in Late Antiquity and into the Early Medieval Period in Greece and the Aegean Islands
Øystein S. LaBianca – Centrifugal Forces Impacting Urbanization in the Eastern Mediterranean during Roman and Early Islamic Times
Hinterland and City
Simon Malmberg – A Millennium of Resilience, Vulnerability and Sustainability at Rome, c.200 BCE-800 CE
Rubina Raja - Eivind Heldaas Seland – Resilience and Vulnerability in the Syrian Desert in the First Millennium CE: The Case of the Oasis City Tadmor (Palmyra)
Florian Wöller – When Rural Resilience Came to the City: Libanios on Villagers Moving through Fourth-Century Antioch
Håkon F. Teigen – Traders on the Margins: The Resilience of a Fourth-Century Trading Community in Roman Egypt
Resilience in the City
Christina Videbech – Christians, Memory, and Resilience in the Late Antique Forum Romanum
Christopher P. Dickenson – Public Space and Cultural Resilience: Urbanism in the Near East in Late Antiquity
Ft. 19x26, pp. 182, Brossura filo refe, Ill. a colori