Acta ad Archaeologiam et Artivm Historiam Pertinentia - Volvmen XXXIII (n.s. 19)
- Anno: 2023
- Autore/i: Simon J. Barker – Courtney A. Ward – Christopher Prescott (eds.)
- Catalogo: Scienze e Lettere
- Argomento: Archeologia
- Collana: Acta ad archaeologiam et artium historiam pertinentia
- ISBN: 978-88-6687-247-4
- ISSN: 0065-0900

Simon J. Barker - Courtney A. Ward – Introduction
Part I
New Research on Late-Antique Recycling
Francesca Bigi – Clusters of re-use: the late Roman wall and the Unfinished Baths of Lepcis Magna
T. Ismaelli - G. Scardozzi - S. Bozza - R. Ungaro – The early Byzantine city walls of Hierapolis in Phrygia: demolishing and recycling the Imperial era monuments
Julia Lenaghan – Three monuments of Rhodopaios: a case study of re-use and continuity at Aphrodisias in the sixth century
Siri Sande – Re-carving is easy – when you are not detected
Eric R. Varner – Rethinking re-carving: revitalising Roman portraits in the third century
Pierre-Antoine Lamy – Pagan iconoclasts? Some case studies from Roman Burgundy during Late Antiquity
Part II
Adornment as Expression of Everyday Identity in Ancient and Medieval Life
Audrey Gouy – Gendered adornment and dress soundscape in Etruscan dance
Ria Berg – The harbour of Venus? Sub-elite identities, multisensorial adornment, and Pompeian bars
Meredith P. Nelson – Chains of gold: female status and the Roman catena in the early Imperial period
Merav Schnitzer – A lost medieval garment?
Patricia Antaki-Masson – Adorned medieval mummies from ‘?si al-Hadath cave, Lebanon: a multicultural community?
Giulia Bison – Brooches in context. Two cases from the Palatine Hill (Rome) and their different ways of communicating personal identity
Nova Barrero Martín – The jewellery from grave 10 of Pontezuelas in Colonia Augusta Emerita (Mérida, Spain): family heirlooms?
Pam Walker – Medieval bling: the display of jewellery on women’s funerary monuments in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries
Courtney A. Ward – Rethinking the ‘Spectrum of Luxury’: Roman jewellery from the Bay of Naples
Michael Marshall – Baldock torcs: penannular neck rings from south-eastern Roman Britain and their significance for the development of provincial identities
Ruth Allen – Signum and self: engraved gemstones and the expression of identity at Herculaneum
Hadas Hirsch – The construction of other genders by means of personal appearance in medieval Islam: the case of mukhannath?n (effeminates) and kuntha (hermaphrodites)
Ft. 19x26, pp. 422, Brossura filo refe, Ill. a colori