Voices of Freedom Society, Culture and Ideas in the 70th Year of India's Independence - - Il Novissimo Ramusio - Conferenze ISMEO 3
Proceedings of the Seminar Held in Rome, 11 November 2017 Organised by the International Institute of South Asian Studies(ISAS) and ISMEO – International Association for Mediterranean and Oriental Studies, under the Auspices of the Embassy of India
- Anno: 2020
- Autore/i: Tiziana Lorenzetti (ed.)
- Catalogo: Scienze e Lettere
- Argomento: Orientalistica
- Collana: Novissimo Ramusio
- ISBN: 9788866871774

The year 2017 brings up a historic milestone for India as the country attained 70 momentous years of independence. on this occasion the international institute of south Asian studies (ISAS), in collaboration with ISMEO – International Association for Mediterranean and Oriental Studies, promoted a seminar called Voices of Freedom: Society, Culture and Ideas in the 70th year of India’s Independence, which was held in Rome,
on november 11, under the auspices of the Embassy of India. The present volume comprises the papers (in English, summarized in italian) presented at the seminar; they explore a whole spectrum of the subcontinent, from the socio-historical to the artistic, with a view to mark trends and tendencies that emerged with independence and which, at the distance of seven decades, continue to feed the development, evolution, and metamorphosis of the world’s biggest democracy. The multiplicity of perspectives with which certain themes are treated, allow this collection to cut through the commonplaces which often continue to persist even in highly cultured circles, providing the reader with the means to understand the complexity of India’s contemporary culture and tendencies.
The introductory essay by Adriano Rossi, President of ISMEO, deals with the figure of the great italian scholar Giuseppe Tucci (1894-1984). Throughout his lifetime, Tucci was a living bridge between italian and south-Asian cultures. He not only taught italian Language, Art and Literature in a number of prestigious indian universities, but he was also one of twentieth century’s major orientalist—indologist, archaeologist, explorer, eminent expert in tibetan culture and Buddhist studies. In 1933 Tucci, along with the philosopher Giovanni Gentile (1875-1944), founded, l’Istituto Italiano per il Medio ed Estremo Oriente (The Italian Institute for Middle and Far East), IsMEO, of which the new ISMEO would represent an ideal continuation… (tratto dalla premessa di Tiziana Lorenzetti)
Foreword by H.E. Reenat Sandhu, Ambassador of India, Rome
Adriano V. Rossi, Tucci, IsMEO and India
Editor’s Note
Y.K.S. Murthy, The Days before the Independence of India. The British Raj
S. Sandahl, Hindi as a ‘National’ Language
M. Prayer, Panchayati Raj and the Decentralisation of Rural Development in Independent India
Sanjukta Das Gupta, Claiming Half the Sky: Aspects of Women’s Movements in India after Independence
J.A.B. Hegewald, Architecture of Independence: Continuity and Innovation in Indian Government Buildings and Urban Planning
G. Flora, India as a Wonderland: International Outlook and Counterculture
Olaf shom Kirtimukh, How India Got Her Tricolour: the Flag and the Shades of Meaning
T. Lorenzetti, Classical Dance in the Project of India’s National Identity
F.to 14x21, pp. 200, Brossura filo refe, Ill. a colori e B/N