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Studies on the Language of Ebla - Quaderni di Semitistica 13

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In October 1981, when the review "Studi Eblaiti" had already reached the IV volume, and while the first two volumes of the series "Archivi Reali di Ebla. Testi" were about to appear, it seemed opportune to promote an international Colloquium which, on the basis of the official publications by the International Committee for the Study of Ebla Texts, would permit of a first evaluation of the comparative problems raised by the discovery of Eblaic. The Colloquium on "La lingua di Ebla e la linguistica semitica", organized by the Istituto di Linguistica e di Lingue Orientali, was held in Florence, 24-26 June 1982. The present volume brings together the papers presented at the Colloquium, with the exception of Prof. Matthiae's introductory lecture ("Il quartiere amministrativo e gli archivi reali di Ebla: distribuzione e classificazione delle tavolette"), which, on account of its predominantly archaeological content, will be published elsewhere. In committing this volume to the press, it is a pleasant duty for me to thank the participants at the Colloquium and all those who contributed towards creating the atmosphere of cordial friendship and lively intellectual stimulation in which it took place. Among these I should like to be allowed to mention at least Prof. F. Scaramuzzi, the Rector of the University of Florence, for the interest which he personally showed in our studies, and Prof. P. Matthiae, the Director of the Italian Archaeological Mission in Syria at "La Sapienza" University in Rome, for his ever generous commitment to promoting the publication and the study of Ebla texts.
In conclusion, I welcome the opportunity of thanking Prof. P. Marrassini, who, as Editorial Secretary, has seen this volume through the press, and our friends A. Avanzini, E. Cappellini, G. Conti, M.V. Tonietti and I. Zatelli, who in their various ways contributed to the organization of the Colloquium and the preparation of this volume. P.F.

I. M. DIAKONOFF, An Evaluation of Eblaite
W. von SODEN, Sprachfamilien und Einzelsprachen im Altsemitischen: Akkadisch und Eblaitisch
K. PETRACEK, Les catégories flexionelles en Eblaite
H. LIMET, Le système prépositionnel dans les documents d'Ebla
J. KRECHER, The Preposition /min(u)/ "from" and Ì.TI "he was (present)"
V. BRUGNATELLI, Some Remarks on Semitic Numerals and the Ebla Texts
D. O. EDZARD, Zur Syntax der Ebla-Texte
P. FRONZAROLI, Eblaic Lexicon: Problems and Appraisal
G. CONTI, Arcaismi in Eblaita
F. M. FALES, A Survey of Two-Word Eblaic Entries in the Bilingual Vocabulary
C. ZACCAGNINI, The Terminology of Weight Measures for Wool at Ebla
L. MILANO, Distribuzione del bestiame minuto ad Ebla: criteri contabili e implicazioni economiche
A. ARCHI, The Personal Names in the Individual Cities
O. LORETZ, Hebräer in Ebla? Eine Fehlanzeige zu 'ibrî "Hebräer" und dem "Hebräer Abram" (Gen. 14,13) 17x24, Brossura, pp. 282