From Site to Sight: The Tranformation of Place in Art and Literature - Vol. XXVI (n.s.12)
- Anno: 2013
- Autore/i: Tschudi V.P., Seim T.K.
- Catalogo: Scienze e Lettere
- Argomento: Arte
- Collana: Acta ad archaeologiam et artium historiam pertinentia
- ISBN: 978-88-6687-041-8
- ISSN: 0065-0900

From site to sight: The transformat ion of Place in Art and Literat ure
Ingrid D. Rowland: Annius of Viterbo (1432/7-1502) and the Beginnings of Urban History
Jonas Bjørnebye: Ammianus and Constantius’ Adventus – Rome from Site to Sight
Jason Moralee: A Hill of Many Names: The Capitolium from Late Antiquity to the Middle Ages
Carmela Vircillo Franklin: Ab Urbe in Franciam: Local topographies and the papal tour in the Twelfth- century Liber pontificalis of Petrus Gulielmus
Gro Bjørnerud Mo: Du Bellay, Poet of Rome, in Rome
Mari Hvattum: The Engineer’s Garden
Stefano Fogelberg Rota: Education, Pilgrimage and Pleasure: The Rhetorical Strategies in the Writings of Three Eighteenth-century Swedish Travellers to Italy
Victor Plahte Tschudi: Recollecting Prints: Remembrance and Reproduction in Goethe’s Italian Journey
Mari Lending: Wandering Among Models: Stendahl, Proust, Sebald
Jas v Elsner: Closure and Penetration: Reflections of the Pola Casket
F.to 21x29, Brossura, pp. 230, Ill. b/n