Mediterranean Archaeology: a gid-eman training course (Roma 8-10 ottobre 2012) - Atti dei Convegni Lincei 275
- Anno: 2013
- Autore/i: Godart L., La Rocca E., Sommella P. (a cura di) con il coordinamento di Brunori M,
- Catalogo: Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei
- Argomento: Archeologia
- Collana: Atti dei Convegni Lincei - ACL
- ISBN: 9788821810794
- ISSN: 0391805X

Scientific-Organising Committee
L. Maffei - Welcome address
M. Gendreau-Massaloux - Il GID e il Mediterraneo
L. Godart - Introduzione generale
M. Brunori - The Mediterranean Archaeology course: an outlook
C. Smith - Methodology and historiography in the study of early Rome
P. León - Artistic projection of Rome in the Mediterranean
M. Bouchenaki - Heritage monuments of the Roman period in Algeria
S. De Caro - Preventive Archaeology
G. Croci - Arches, domes and vaults in the history of architecture
P. Moscati - Archaeology and computers: perspectives of the 21st century
E. La Rocca - Nero, his image and his golden house
G. A. Campitelli - Restorations in the parks of Rome: Villa Borghese and Villa Torlonia
A. Pasquier - A propos des problèmes posés par la présentation de la sculpture antique et ses restaurations: la responsabilité des conservateurs de musée
G. de’ Giovanni Centelles - Considerazioni conclusive
List of participants
F.to 17,5x26, Brossura, pp. 180, Ill. a colori