Recycling Rome - Vol. XXV (n.s.11)
- Anno: 2012
- Autore/i: T. K. Seim, M. Prusac (a cura di)
- Catalogo: Scienze e Lettere
- Argomento: Archeologia
- Collana: Acta ad archaeologiam et artium historiam pertinentia
- ISBN: 978-88-6687-011-1
- ISSN: 0065-0900

Richard BRILLIANT: Rome, The Site Of Reverberating Memories
Richard BRILLIANT: “Late Antiquity”: A Protean Term
Siri SANDE: The Art of Memory and Roman Art
Paul ZANKER : Der Konstantinsbogen als Monument des Senates
Dale KINNEY: Hans-Peter L’Orange on Portraits and the Arch of Constantine:
A Lasting Legacy
Marina PRUSAC: The Arch of Constantine: Continuity and Commemoration
through Reuse
David KNIPP: Coptic Stuccoes at Santa Maria Antiqua
Victor PLAHTE TSCHUDI: Ancient Rome in the Age of Copyright: The Privilegio
and Printed Reconstructions
Unn FALKEID: Petrarch and the Vision of Rome
Valerie HIGGINS: Rome - the Unauthorized Version
F.to 19x27, Brossura, pp. 238, Ill. b/n