Private and Public in the Sphere of the Ancient City - Vol. XXIII (n.s.9)
- Anno: 2011
- Autore/i: Aa. Vv.
- Catalogo: Scienze e Lettere
- Argomento: Archeologia classica
- Collana: Acta ad archaeologiam et artium historiam pertinentia
- ISBN: 9788888620916

In 8°, brossura, 230 pp., 41 ill.ni b/n + tav.ripiegata fuori testo a colori
Knut ØDEGÅRD: A Missing Link in Greek City-Planning: Late Archaic Tegea
Henrik BOMAN: Some Aspects of Boundaries of Public Space: Archaic to
Classical Greece.-
Winnie J. GREENWOOD ORMEROD: Aut amor patriae aut amor nummi.
An Examination of Ideological Manifestations Communicated through
Decoration in the Public versus Private Sphere of a Domus
Elzbieta JASTZREBOWSKA: Proprietari dei mausolei imperiali a Roma e altrove nel IV secolo -
Siri SANDE: Imperial Mausoleum or Everyman’s Grave? The Fourth-Century
Funerary Basilicas in the Roman suburbia -
Olof BRANDT: San Lorenzo fuori le Mura: il difficile rapporto tra strutture e
testi -
Hendrik W. DEY: Public Service or Private Devotion? The Diverse Faces of
Monasticism in Late Antique and Early Medieval Rome -